by Deb Schnitta
Changes refers to the time that we live in. It is an explosive period
where growth is rapid and unencumbered. Previously earth was able to
support a certain amount of light in her matter. Now this light has
increased, adding to the available light and consciousness for all
sentient beings.
more light is available, there are one of two responses that occur. The
first is to be open and excited; the second is to be closed and
frightened. A system that is open will relish and welcome this new
energy. It will burst forward with creativity, learn new dimensions of
thinking and, in general, live a life of joy and excitement. A system
that is closed will view this new light as an incoming source of
irritation. Depending on how great the irritation is perceived, it will
either push back, as if trying to expel the light from its system or it
will shrink back as a way to disconnect from what is offered.
response of push is one that begins to gain world wide attention.
Disdain, anger and other dramatic forms of push are obvious forces of
energy. However, the response back to this from a higher plane is one
of compassion and understanding. We view this behavior, push, as one in
which a clear response and answer to the offering of light is received.
Simply stated, a version of not now, is being expressed.
A young
child seen in this way would garner support and understanding from
those wiser around him. An adult who responds in this way is often not
seen the same way. Unfortunately, as light escalates in intensity, the
desire and sometimes, for certain people, the need to push back grows
exponentially as well.
What does this mean for you? To begin
with each cycle of growth during the earth changes is one of great
opportunity for you. It represent an offering of greater consciousness
to your system. Consciousness assists in your growth and evolution as a
sentient being. As you gain more consciousness, you first gain
awareness about your own behavior and responses to others. Without
finding fault, you begin to understand your actions in a deeper way.
From here you are able to make new choices, those that represent
higher thought and reason. Your behavior changes at this stage. You do
not seek to push back where previously you had been unaware. As this
continues, you begin to attract new or different experiences into your
life. No longer needing old thought forms to push against, you begin to
resonate with things that are more harmonious. This change represents a
great offering of your own light out into the world.
Each time
you begin to clarify your own intentions, learn about yourself in a
deeper way, the consciousness that moves through you becomes more
refined. When you offer this more refined aspect of your own Soul's
light, there are opportunities other than becoming triggered and
finding the need to push back. In the immediacy of your own environment
you begin to notice joyful exchanges built from the potential to be
Soul exchanges if you are drawn. In the larger environment you begin to
open out into the world in a way that allows your light to enter
systems that are in need. It may be, for instance, that your light
offers support to others who are also exploring their own growth.
for a moment about a time when you began to notice these changes in
yourself. What did you perceive to unfold around you? Did things get
easier in your life? Did they begin to fall into place, whether or not
your mind thought of them as luck? These are all examples of the
resonance that begins to become created in your system in response to
the larger offering of light associated with the earth changes.
who come from a closed and tight system may not see any other option
other than pushing back. At times it may seem as if they are initiating
the push, being able to incite the anger of others to join in their own
resonant tones.
The larger response to this is one of peace. It
is hard to think, as a personality, of finding peace when acts of
terror, aggression and fear are displayed. It is harder still in these
profound times for the mind to understand that peace is not the same
thing as passivity. Peace does not imply the willingness to be
violated. It does not invite in aggression because it is the 'peaceful'
thing to do.
Imagine for a moment that you could see the energy
of the actions of others. An act of aggression may be seen as an
explosion of energy that is violent and carries with it an intention to
express the rage that is within that individual as an expression of
consciousness. It could be seen as an extension of conscisouoenss that
looks like a cloud of black smoke. As this energy travels over the
layers of consciousness, it will attract other areas of consciousness
that can resonate in the same or similar fashion. It may even call up
latent anger that has been hidden, afraid to come out on its own.
this energy is perceived for what it is, thought associations that the
mind will make of polarity, of right and wrong, it is dissipated in the
most effective away.
There are some traditions that speak of
inviting in the darkness in order to clear a path for enlightenment. In
much the same way you are being given the opportunity to cleanse your
own system when these acts occur. You may respond from peace and
transform whatever layers of anger reside in your own system. Or, you
may push back and learn to express the anger that is there. Regardless
of your response, there is an opportunity for transformation that is
present here.
In the larger scheme of world events it is
important for your voice and light to be heard and seen. Sitting silent
is an act of indecision, as if you are uncertain which aspect of
polarity reflects you best. When you choose peace, you strengthen the
note of harmony that is available to the entire world. When you choose
peace, you offer your light in a way that is useable.
the expression of opposite forces, can best be evolved and transformed
when received in a neutral container. Joining in on one side or another
adds to the tension that is present. Being open to new ideas, hearing
what is expressed underneath and finding within yourself what could
shift, even a tiny amount, will create a great wave of harmony from
which to receive this polarity.
Start with an area in your own
life. Explore some old pattern for this new dimension. Seek to discover
the layers of consciousness that reside in the exchange, both for you
and for those involved. From here, it will become easier to build the
spiritual muscle that is necessary in order to assist in the
transformation of denser energies that are not yet refined. As your own
spiritual muscle develops, you will attract less and less unharmonized
energy in your life. In this way, you will add less energy to the
polarity of the larger scheme of things that are unfolding.
before peace can be felt, whether it is internal or external, areas of
not peace must be illuminated. Through this illumination there is an
opportunity for choice to be made, for connection to be forged and for
harmony to exist.
If you would like support along your personal journey, click here for information about our free weekly healing.
hold a vision of peace, harmony and the highest path of light for all
those involved at this time. We ask you to share in our vision. We
thank you for your support and light.
Deb Schnitta, RN is a leading pioneer in healing and
consciousness and the originator of Cellular Expansion and Healing TM (CE) a
revolutionary energy work that supports the resolution of constrictions and
illness at the level of the cells. CE affects the consciousness stored within
the cells and provides connection to Soul and the Divine.
An author of many books and Meditation CD Energy Programs for living a life
connected consciously to Soul and Spirit, Deb supports individuals seeking
healing, spiritual development and enlightenment. She has co-founded Vanati: A
Center for Energy Medicine and Consciousness with her partner, Pauline Dishler
M.Ed. Information about their revolutionary approach to healing, free distance
healing, and dynamic Meditation Energy Programs can be found at
For more information about this article, email vanati@vanati.com.