Life Impact
Energy Healing and Soul connection are two of the most significant ways to impact your life.
At Vanati we originated the revolutionary modality, Cellular Expansion and Healing, that continues to astound health care professionals and spiritual seekers.
A Revolutionary Healing Modality
Moving beyond cause and effect of the mind, Cellular Expansion and Healing (CE) supports resolution of what no longer serves you now, so you can live your best life. More than a healing technique, CE is a way of living and a way of being in a profound state of conscious Soul connection.
At Vanati we offer many ways to benefit from Cellular Expansion and Healing- through our distant healing, healing classes, healing appointments, advanced meditation programs, energy healing for animals and of course special support and energy healing for kids. And because we’ve heard over the years that there is nothing like our energy programs- we’ve even offered you a free full length MP3 Energy Healing Program: Connecting with your Soul: Opening to Abundance.
We invite you to learn more about Vanati's unique healing services: