Q. How does the heart impact on the ability to manifest and create? I’ve heard that opening my heart will help me more in manifesting and I don’t really understand the relationship enough to know what to do. Do you have any suggestions?
A. The heart is a gateway to higher consciousness. It provides access to what the Soul is capable of accessing, which is unlimited potential. In daily life, the personality aspects of consciousness are often the elements that come into play when manifesting. Moving past these personality elements to the natural flow of the Universe, abundance, can be challenging. I have found in supporting people through this process, that the understanding illustrated in the Vanati book, Soul Connection: Opening to the Source of Creation, is helpful. The excerpt is provided for you here.
Often there is an experience of fear when you hope for something. You do not enter a state of hope only. It is also a place of worry. There is a sense of what you would really like to create if you dared to let yourself dream. Those thoughts do not go out into the Universe alone. They are coupled by other, less conscious thoughts. The unspoken part that follows is, “But I am afraid I will not be able to,” or “I don't know how to,” or “I am afraid I do not deserve this.” These thoughts may or may not be conscious, but they have impact nonetheless.
As you are going through life and opening, doing your personal work, and looking at what you would like to create in your life, there is a gap. There is a place in which you are aligned in your intention to receive something. You have felt where it serves you, where it supports your growth, but it is not yet coming together. This is an example of an area of constriction, a good example of a place in your heart that is not yet ready to receive what has been requested, that is not yet able to experience this new level of joy.
Through softening old limitations and old boundaries of what you allow in and out of your system by being open to another, you may begin to shift. For you, it may be allowing yourself to soften your mental images of what it means to be heart-centered. It does not mean to give yourself away; it does not mean to serve from the place of personality where you may have been perceived as an easy mark or a doormat.
It does mean to serve from an open place where the energy of the 'higher you' may flow through easily. This, at times, is not easy for the personality who does not like what it is being asked to do, does not understand how a singular event might fit in with the larger picture.
You have a great capacity to be heart-centered in very high ways, to be open, to be loving and to be compassionate. You are able to begin to understand yourself better from the level of your Soul. And from here, you are able to begin to understand your choices, your patterns and opportunities as they arise. You are able to expand further and to understand your neighbor from this place. You are able to see your friends and what you currently might perceive as your enemies, or those that are not here to support your highest being, as other human beings learning about their own humanness.
From a space of heart-centered openness, of love and compassion for yourself, it is impossible for you to be affected by the thoughts and beliefs of another. It is no longer in alignment with who you are in your own beliefs. The world becomes an opportunity for growth; those around you are mirrors for your own humanness.
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