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Connecting with Your Soul: Opening to Abundance

FREE! Full Length (30 Minute) Energy Program MP3

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A meditation program so distinct from others that we call them what they are: Energy Healing Programs. All of Vanati’s energy programs go beyond traditional guided meditation CD’s to open a profound place of connection for those that desire to know their Soul even more fully than they do right now. Each energy program contains a transmission of Cellular Expansion and Healing™,  a distinct healing energy originated by Deb Schnitta of Vanati through her and her Soul’s teacher, Mikala. People report life changes, healing, transformation and profound spiritual awakenings while using these Energy Healing Programs.

Whether this is your first time exploring the Vanati Healing Energy Programs or you regularly use them to open to your greatest capacity and live a life of purpose and Soul connection, this new release is for you!

Connecting with Your Soul: Opening to Abundance is a Free Full Length (30 minute) energy program created to help individuals connect deeply and easily with their Soul - regardless of their current connection. This healing energy program will provide a framework for opening to deeper capacity each time you listen.

Connecting with Your Soul supports living life from a place of expansion where abundance, joy and compassion are flows of energy. The Soul freely engages with these flows and knows already a life free from limitations. As we learn to connect consciously with the Soul as a partner in our daily lives we remember who we truly are and embrace our purpose. Life lived from here is one of ease, joy, abundance and love. Consciously connecting with the Soul is part of the path of enlightenment.

Using an energy transmission that offers supportive transformative energy directly to your cells, all the Vanati Energy Programs go beyond traditional meditation recordings. In this selection, you are supported to open deeply to your Soul and from there building infrastructure for abundance, a naturally occurring state of being for the Soul. This abundance can be in a variety of forms: love, money, health, and support, whatever areas of creation you desire.

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Is it really FREE?
Yep. Free. No money, no strings, no future anything.

Vanati has always been committed to supporting the transformative process of individuals seeking to live their purpose. We offer powerful tools to let go of the past and create in new ways. This free program is our gift to you, the Awakening being, who wants support in creating a life of joy, ease and abundance.

Imagine a world of cooperation free from fear where all people come from their highest place, the Soul. Imagine the creations that can be born from there. Imagine the children that can be raised from there. And imagine the new worlds that can be birthed from there. Because like you, we want to live that way...NOW.

Join us in connecting millions of awakening beings to a shared purpose of harmony and powerful co-creation.

I’m ready. What’s next?
To receive your free Energy Program, click on the link below to enter your information – no worries – we absolutely do not sell or rent your information to anyone!

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Download Instructions
An email will be sent to the address that you have provided that includes step by step instructions to assist you with the download process.

When you receive your email, click on the link for the free download. Enjoy the transformative energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing, Soul Connection and abundance, and creating the life you desire! To help with delivery of your Mp3 please take a moment and add our email addres vanati@vanati.com to your address book or list of trusted addresses. If you do not recieve our email please check your spam or bulk mail folders.Click on the email and then "not spam" feature. Different email providers may filter messages with attachments as a service to you.

PLEASE NOTE: For optimal download and functionality, please make sure you have the latest version of your web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox). This can be done for free by searching for your browser via Google or another search engine and then following the instructions.

Product Reviews

"The Connecting with Your Soul: Opening to Abundance Energy Program is a wonderful gift from Vanati for all those who listen! While listening  I was able to experience deep levels of relaxation and peace while learning how to view business from a different perspective. Since listening to the Energy Program I have experienced: more ease and flow in daily life, my business is busier than ever, and helpful individuals have been showing up at just the right time.  The abundance has seemingly happened without any additional effort on my part, and I have been able to sit back and trustfully watch as things continuously fall into place without struggle. I highly recommend this program for anyone looking to find more ease and joy in their life!" - N.R.   

"This is so AMAZING! I have never heard anything like this and I have listened to many meditation programs. I felt so peaceful and relaxed AND felt the presence of my Soul in such a real way. I have tried many ways to connect with my Soul and have never quite felt like I "got it". Now I really do get that I am not alone. Thank you so much for such an amazing gift to us all!” -Evelyn, CA

Healing Energy Programs
Vanati offers a diverse selection of revolutionary energy programs that follow the principles of Quantum Physics – that everything in the Universe is made of energy and energetically connected. Through our energy programs, you will learn how to consciously apply energy to all aspects of your life – health, career, relationships, finance, and even living your higher purpose – from the comfort of your own home.

Learn More About Vanati’s Energy Programs >>>

Connecting with Your Soul: Opening to Abundance is a Free Full Length (30 minute) energy program created to help individuals connect deeply and easily with their Soul - regardless of their current connection. This healing energy program will provide a framework for opening to deeper capacity each time you listen.

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PLEASE NOTE: For optimal download and functionality, please make sure you have the latest version of your web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome, Firefox). This can be done for free by searching for your browser via Google or another search engine and then following the instructions.

We respect your privacy, and NEVER share, rent, or sell your information.

Please note that if we are switching our sign up platform for this service. Please e-mail us at vanati@vanati.com if you are interested in this mp3. We will be happy to help you!