Extending Connection to an Area of Your Life
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Connection as taught in this series is a stable usable place of energy. It transcends the place of personality connection, such as the warmth in seeing an old dear friend, and moves into the higher energies of creation.
Through extending this energy to your goals and desires you are aligning the aspects of you that know this connection, that are able to hold this energy to an area that has not yet developed that skill. In this way you are helping yourself to evolve, as more parts of you are then able to create and live from this state of being and peace. Bringing connection into your daily life allows for the wisdom of your Soul and higher consciousness to be more present. Inspiration, support and guidance may all emerge from here.
Any area where there is lack is were connection is needed.
Useful for:
Deepening your capacity to create
Aligning with your creative power
Linking areas in the future (a job that does not yet exist for instance) to the present to assist in bringing that to manifestation
Assisting in connecting areas in the nervous system that are not communicating freely with one another
Shifting old hurts and traumas from the past
Relieving Stress
Finding a new way to see an old situation
Please Note: This CD is currently unavailable for purchase online. Please contact our office at vanati@vanati.com for further assistance. Thank you.
People who have purchased this have also benefited from:
Single meditation CD with energy transmissions, transcripts and additional written teachings to bridge this skill into daily life.
Customer Reviews
Deb suggested this to support the Cellular Expansion sessions for our son, who is healing from Autism. After using it for three weeks, we saw a huge increase in his ability to connect to higher reasoning. We also saw a decrease in his frustration and more connectivity with others.
Written by Langley on Fri 26 Sep 2008 5:15:07 PM GMT
Extending Connection helped me learn who I am as energy, and from there to connect with all people and events in my life as energy. I can't image my life with this tool.
Written by Olivia on Thu 25 Sep 2008 7:30:02 PM GMT
Helps me IntegratI use this in between the mediations Transforming the Personality. It helps me to integrate the large changes that all these sets help me create. Once integrated, I can open to the next level of expansion even easier.
Written by Blakely on Mon 4 Aug 2008 7:27:46 PM GMT