Opening the Heart: Moving into Higher Energies
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As the ego and personality are created, patterns of holding back, protecting from perceived hurts and uncertainty are also born. This energy program provides a loving opportunity to return to a state of grace, an open heart free from limitations. It is a beautiful partner to Transforming the Personality as well as Spiritual Evolution.
Opening the Heart supports the personality to disengage from habituated patterns, old stories from the past as well as the distinction of how the mind believes something must be. Stepping away in this manner encourages you to open to the largeness that you are and all that largeness brings.
In addition, Opening the Heart allows for greater ease in daily life. An open heart is necessary for the process of creation and directly impacts the ability to manifest. It allows the energy of what you seek to enter your life. An open heart is the doorway for greater peace, union, abundance, and love.
Spiritually, an open heart allows for the transformation of dense held patterns of consciousness and paves the way for instantaneous transformation and evolution. It is key to exploring states of being such as non-attachment, compassion, Divine love and wisdom.
The process of spiritual development involves the growth of the personality as well as the evolution of the Soul. As the personality learns to let go of what no longer serves it, it is able to open more fully to the influence of the Soul. As the Soul is able to have greater contact with all the layers of the personality, it becomes more embodied and is able to birth its light into the world more fully. An open heart is key to this evolutionary process.
Includes eight energy program meditations and a 160 page book with teachings to deepen the process in all areas of your life.
Included Healing Energy Program Meditations:
Exploring Connection
Being Supple
Releasing Learned Patterns of Inflow
Expansion and Healing
Resetting Your Perceptions
Maintaining and Open Heart
Soul Purpose
Useful for:
Opening to your deepest capacity
Supporting enlightenment
Manifesting Soul Purpose
Living life with joy, love an ease
Embracing the Gifts of your Soul
A unique offering, this energy program complements all other energy programs that we offer.