Relationship with a Light Being - Union of Soul and Spirit
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Guidance comes from many directions. It may be the creative muse expressing itself in art or music, a moment of inspiration in the presence of quiet, a dream or the presence of the divine. A light being is part of the fabric of consciousness of the Divine. Light beings as we introduce them come with their own purpose just as we each have our own life work. These light beings offer guidance, but do not push. They encourage your development at a rate that is right for you.
A light being sees life in streams of probabilities and energy. Not mired as a personality, it offers higher wisdom to those that seek its guidance. Many beings are available to support humanity in this way. Mikala is one of those beings.
Deepening the capacity to move beyond feeling a divine presence in life to forging active conscious partnership is the focus of this energy program. True relationship takes time to build, and often in this case requires the understanding of a different set of parameters than personality-based relationships. Healing of childhood patterns as well as distortions in how we may view the world all come into play here. To be open to higher guidance requires the willingness to step aside and see things from a new perspective.
This is the third in our Life Enhancement series with a focus on supporting your partnership with your Soul, your teachers and your guides. As human beings begin the process of connecting with light beings, the most common area of discrepancy is that of orientation. As a human being, you have learned about relationship with other human beings. These human beings have thoughts, beliefs and patterns of response just as you do. Each of you dances with one another, teaching about patterns of reactivity and entanglement that come from the personality.
As you begin to build a conscious relationship with a light being or guide, this previous framework of orientation is the beginning point of building these new relationships. However, light beings do not respond in the same way human beings do. Light beings create relationship from beyond the range of emotion and personality, through the exchange of light, which is consciousness. This may be the single most important distinction as well as the reason these relationships have the potential to be so healing. A human being in this equation has the opportunity to learn about him or herself more fully while learning to merge and blend more deeply.
This Energy Program Includes 8 Meditations:
Exploring Relationship
Opening to Light
Soul Explorations
Suppleness of Mind
Updating your Energy System
Life Work
Useful for:
Evolving all relationships
Deepening guidance
Developing a new perspective on soul relationship
Healing past hurts and distortions
Furthering life work
Living a life of joy
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This energy program includes eight (8) guided meditations with energy transmissions, transcripts of each meditation and written teachings that are not found on the meditations to assist your ongoing development in this exciting area.