Spiritual Evolution
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Spiritual Evolution is possible when the personality is open to living life as a Soul. This suppleness of the personality signifies that as a personality you are willing to move forward consciously as your Soul, learning about life from this perspective.
To be here consciously as your Soul is part of the path of enlightenment and a goal of the Soul as it returns for incarnation. To forge this conscious connection as a way of living requires openness of the personality as well as understanding of what this relationship means and what is possible. Seeing life through the eyes of the Soul is very profound. Living from here is an ever-deepening process that builds a life of joy, compassion, Soul love and allows the evolution of the Soul itself.
As the physical body becomes more supple, it creates a venue for more light to enter its cells. This light brings consciousness and with it the opportunity to approach life from a higher more integrated perspective. Allowing the changes that occur in the personality creates a doorway for the Soul�s light and wisdom to be present. This higher perspective begins to change how you, the personality, view the world and those around you.
Being in contact with this higher wisdom begins to create the need for a process of support that allows the energy of your spiritual body to enter into the systems of your personality structures so that there can be an integrated and expanded view and expression into the world. Focus is given to areas of thought and mental construct, emotion or feeling constructs as well as the physical body itself. Transforming limiting beliefs around how the fields of energy interact with one another as well as the realms of possibilities that are available are explored.
The change in orientation (the vantage point from where you view the world) that occurs in this process of enlightenment is profound. To support the personality opening to the depth of possibilities with the greatest ease, it is highly suggested that you use one of the three energy programs in the Partnership series: Manifesting Life Work: Receiving the Gifts of the Soul, Deepening Connection: Creating Soul relationships in all areas of your Life or Relationship with a light Being: Bridging Spirit and Soul.
This Energy Program Includes 8 Meditations:
Understanding Spiritual Evolution
Partnering with Your Soul
Building a Bridge for Higher Consciousness
Exploring Consciousness
Updating the Emotional System
Leading with Your Heart
Aligning with Higher Flows
Surrender and Expansion
Useful for :
Being your Soul in everyday life
Deepening Soul Connection
Developing a new perspective on Soul relationship
Evolving the personality and Soul relationship
Furthering life work
Living a life of joy
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This Energy Program includes eight guided meditations with energy transmissions to support your cells and consciousness to easily open to deep transformation and evolution. A book with transcripts of the meditations as well as written teachings not found on the meditations are included to provide a complete home study program.