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Soul Purpose: Opening to What is Next


During the recent revolutionary Vanati Event: Opening to Creation: Unlimited Potential

Participants were transported to new depths of connection and:

  • Connected with their Soul in deep lasting ways.
  • Opened to the creative power of the Soul.
  • Accessed the Unlimited Potential of this largeness.


Explored this practical every day exercise for enhancing Soul Connection:


Begin by quieting the mind.

Identify one thing you would like help manifesting. This could be peace, health, a job etc.

Bring that thought of your focus to your heart, and hold it there.

Still from this place of peace and expansion, invite in your Soul. You may notice this as a presence, a sense of warmth, a moment of peace, or any other noticing as you shift your awareness here.


Do this daily, upon waking prior to starting the busy activities of the day. Take time to write down your experience, to help the linear mind learn to bridge to your energy awareness, and to provide feedback to yourself about your process.


Now, in Soul Purpose: Opening to What is Next

Participants will receive the input from their Soul to support their Purpose unfolding.Living aligned in Soul Purpose is part of the evolution of humanity.

Soul connection facilitates living life from expansion, where the Universal flows are recognized.
As Universal flows are recognized in the moment, the choices the personality makes are those that support true Soul purpose. Life lived in purpose is one of grace, ease and service.

Soul Purpose is the expression of your light in physical form. It is why you, as a Soul, have incarnated.
Alignment with Soul Purpose draws you to what feeds and nourishes you, as a Soul and Personality.

When the personality partner aligns with the Soul, it draws to it what is needed to further the expression of purpose. In doing so, the personality grows in its capacity to open, receive and be of service.

The act of joining with the Soul is one of commitment- commitment to the exploration of what it means to be a human being. The unlimited nature of the Soul supports the development of the personality, and builds a bridge to consciously creating as unlimited potential.

There are recognizable stages to Soul purpose, those that the personality AND Soul move through as purpose is expressed. Working consciously as a partner with the Soul facilitates the greatest shifts.

The personality enhances its capacity to be a conscious partner with the Soul by understanding what the Soul needs, as well as what the personality needs.


Join visionary and creator of Cellular Expansion and Healing, Deb Schnitta, in an unprecedented event. Using profoundly respectful and transformative energy, Deb opens the space for each participant to evolve to their fullest potential right in that moment.


Recent Participants Shared:

  • Your Event was more than I could have ever imagined, I never knew anything this expansive and amazing existed!
  • I was moved to tears with the ease of Soul connection that you facilitated. I have not been the same since.
  • The Healing Energy started the moment I entered the room- and you weren't even there yet!! 
  • Finally, I have found peace. Thank you. 
  • My Soul Purpose was illuminated for me in a way that has changed my world.



Are you ready?

To open to the fullness of your potential?

To hold more of your Soul’s light and allow your essence to be present in all you do?

To release what no longer serves you and open more fully to who you are and the joy of being alive and connected with your largeness?


Then join us here: For an Evolutionary Event like no other.


What if I have no experience with meditation?

No problem. The energy of cellular expansion and healing is a very stable and expansive energy that offers light to your cells. Unlike most modalities, it doe s not require you to pay attention or breathe a certain way. Profound peace, insights and healing often accompany this energy. In a live class format, Deb provides coaching about how to use the skills in your daily life.

I already have a great connection to my Soul, will what you offer still help me?

Absolutely! The Soul is unlimited in its capacity to open to light. It is through that opening that creating Soul purpose occurs. The more conscious the connection with the Soul, the greater the impact the personality, which is the steward for the soul can have. In turn, the greater the impact the Soul’s light can be upon the earth as well.

In addition, the Soul is not static, but is growing and learning. The Soul does this in many ways, in expressing its life lessons on earth as well as opening to greater light. Cellular Expansion and Healing was offered by a loving being of Light to support the evolution of humanity. This occurs most deeply as the conscious Soul connection emerges and is supported by the transformation of the personality (the small ways the personality may hold back because it needs to learn how to be in the larger spaces of light that the Soul embodies). The Vanati principles were designed with the evolving human being in mind, to allow for the unlimited potential within emerging with grace and ease.


What can I expect in this course?

A loving energy that is never ending opens the space for all participants to open to their next step with ease. Moment by moment your cells are bathed in the energy of Cellular Expansion and Healing. This helps the cells themselves, where all consciousness resides to open to the energy that is offered, as well as open to the largeness that is you.  This allows for greater transformation as well as the drinking in of the energy that is offered.

The format varies based on the participants as well as the energy.  Course content is offered both in lecture, question and answer and meditation. During all phases of the course Deb and Mikala are holding each participant at the level of their Soul, allowing for ease of transformation and evolution to occur. It is not uncommon during the meditation portions for students to move into very expanded states of consciousness and even blend so deeply that they appear to fall asleep! Since the transmission goes directly to the cells, even when the mind is no longer able to hold consciousness the transformation and evolution continues.

To join us for this wonderful event, REGISTER HERE